The concept of humanism has been derived from the atheistic view of humanism. Before I begin to talk about feminism, I would like to briefly walk my readers through the ideology of humanism because apparently it seems like a wonderful idea. Yet, behind it is an agenda that needs to be exposed.
Amongst the open and rationalistic views that are propagated by the West, one of them is humanism. According to humanism, man is to save himself without the assistance of God. In fact, mankind does not require the help of any type of gods. Internally, man is capable of using his mind, brain and understanding of experiences to differentiate right from wrong. Man does not, then, require spiritual revelation nor knowledge.
Additionally, humanism claims that all people are alike without regards to skin color or family background. On the whole, this ideology seems perfect and just. But, inherently this ideology carries traits of atheism and has used it against Islam to promote it as a religion which degrades women and exploits women.
I consider humanism to be a form of shirk (associating partners with Allah SWT) at a universal level. Humanism has been used to promote all of the following but not limited to: democracy, secularism, freedom, commercialism, equality, feminism, murder of character and opinion, lewdness, promotion of anarchy and free market.
In this article, I talk about feminism, Islam and women. The concept of freedom for women has barged into our homes today in the name of feminism. The essence of feminism is to destroy the stable system of a happy home and to diminish the actual position of women. Feminism has just brought fame to women and nothing else. Feminism has brought women out into the open for everyone to thrash at. Women themselves, have invited this degradation for themselves by believing into the system that is unfit as a whole.
This concept thrives on the concept of open mindedness which promotes gender rights which began in Europe. The West is now in a deep turmoil with regards to the outcome of moral decline in their generations. Today we see many women in the West accepting and turning towards Islam to find solace because they have been victims of the very same “freedom” which has brought them nothing but shame and loneliness.
In today’s world, we as Muslims are also affected by the hype of feminism which is fast becoming a means to misguide the Muslim women as they buy into the masquerade. Before I mention the grave negative results of following this ideology, I do want to advocate the foundation set by Islam and the fact that each command given to us by our Rabb has wisdom. Islam is the only religion which upholds rights of individuals at all levels.
The religion of Islam has taken us out of humiliation, backwardness, slavery as well as authoritarianism and deprivation. Not only has Islam provided its followers with honor, it has also provided a financial structure for women and given us all rights. Whether it be the preservation of rights in inheritance or her position in a marriage, a woman has been protected. Whether it is the command of acquiring diyat (blood-money) or other rights, her position in Islam is of dignity and justice.
A woman has been blessed with being the queen of the house and the binding of nikah (marriage) is definitely the backbone of a society. A marriage preserves generations to come and the role of the mother as the caregiver and provider of security for children.
If we are to view the concept of marriage and the fact that women are preserved and fortified in this relationship, then the allowance of a man to keep four wives, taking care of them in all manner, plays a significance role in the society while the women are to be obedient to the husband at all times. Not only does it become easy, it also becomes essential that women are protected in such a contract.
When the perspective changes, the clarity comes in. The reality of feminism actually surfaces. According to feminism, the woman is not free of any financial obligation. In fact, she is to be equally responsible for providing for the household. Islam has given the women a complete sense of freedom to look after what is considered an honor and a means of building a strong society and also a means to please Allah (عَزَّوَجَلَّ).
Now let’s analyze those movements who advocate humanism and give way to “enlightened thinkers,” supporters of liberalism and those women born and bred in the Western societies. These are the very people whose agenda is freedom which has now become a prevailing notion in Muslim societies. The West has gone ahead to exploit the Western women and now targets the Muslim women.
This is a conspiracy against Islam to eradicate all honor of women as well as remove faith, aqeedah and all acts of goodness from the foundation of Muslim societies. In its exclusive agenda to destroy Islam and its teaching, these movements have drawn in the Muslim women by their calling. This has led way to lewdness and put modesty up for sale. This has given rise to adultery and many such means where a women is greatly used or rather misused and degraded of her true rank.
These misguided movements have attacked women so they are deluded by false concepts of freedom and are willing to take their generations into quicksand while they challenge the commands of Allah (عَزَّوَجَلَّ). They have mocked Islamic teachings. They are just puppets in hands of those who do not understand that the very crucks of Islam is the foundation of preserving womens’ rights. If they are to understand it in reality, they would always remain grateful to the Creator for the blessing that has been given.
We need to remember that the pagan Arabs humiliated women and kept no rights for women. They had no right to even life. They were considered a burden and buried alive. It was Islam that uplifted women. Not only were they granted a right to live, but gave such a high rank that the Paradise lies in the feet of a mother. As a daughter, a girl is the one who guarantees Paradise. A woman is dignified as a sister. As a wife, she becomes the means to complete her husband’s faith. Such importance has been given to women in Islam if only one would understand its implications. And here are women, trying to fight on streets for their right!
It is but a known fact that many of those reverts in Europe are primarily women. These revert women state that the very reason they accepted Islam is the elevated status of women in Islam. As Western women, we were given a facade of freedom the underlying of which was mockery and degradation.
The same response is found in Hinduism. Many years ago a Hindu writer who was a woman accepted Islam. She named herself ‘Surraiya.’ She published an article in a magazine called, Mujallah AlIkhwa. In that article, she writes that purdah (veil) for a woman is a bullet-proof jacket and she mentioned this as a means of her coming towards Islam. She states that: “As a writer, I was well-known yet I was exploited in all ways. I felt dejected by the status of women in our society and was intrigued by Islamic women. Yet, those women influenced by the West are unable to see the benefits the platform of Islam provides to women.” In fact many liberal women degrade and mock the concept of veil in Islam.
What a sad state of affairs! The doubtful Muslim woman has gone ahead and neglected all her values and is heading for destruction. Muslim women rampage the streets every year shouting in ignorance and in an extremely uncivilized manner not befitting for ladies. I am ashamed to even mention the kind of slogans that are brought out in public year after year. They are short of haya (modesty) and far from the truth about women in Islam. All those women who are out to exploit themselves and aim to head out to the streets today in March 2022 affirming their rights as women and disobeying Allah (عَزَّوَجَلَّ) in the process are jeopardizing their chastity and putting their honor at risk.
I request these women to understand the following:
The training that has led the women to shame and brought them out to the streets, for it to be called ‘modesty’ in the name of liberalism is completely unacceptable. The one who is to betray Islam, I have never found blessings for them along the way nor in their outcome.
In short and to summarize, I would like to invite all those who advocate feminism and are bewitched by the concept to go and research all religions and to read up on them deeply. Look at all beliefs and you shall only find women being protected and encompassed with safety, security and sensibility in Islam.
Remember! The truth is that such manifestations of what you see as truth may misguide you but never guide you to the Straight Path. Walking around the streets chanting slogans such as ‘My body, my choice,’ is not the means to obtain freedom and neither is it a positive approach. This is a reminder that it is a conspiracy against our Muslim sisters and the religion itself. Today we are surrounded by corruption. Let’s not add more to it in the name of new and baseless thoughts.
Before we adopt any principles or value systems, let’s connect to Allah (عَزَّوَجَلَّ) and assess what He has commanded on the topic and understand its rulings as given in the Qur’an. I pray to the Almighty to keep us in the protection of our religion Islam that ensures our safety, security and self righteousness. Aameen.
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