When we study the history of Islam, we see that the courage of our forefathers is preserved and we see that the garden of Islam is colored with their sacrifices and the air is fragranced with their voices of truth.
One such individual was Hazrat Abdullah رضى الله عنه.
Hazrat Abdullah رضى الله عنه was the son of the Prophet ﷺ’s cousin, Hazrat Zubair Bin Al Awam who was also one of the ten great men whose received the good news of Jannah (ashara mubashara) from the Holy Prophet ﷺ. His mother was the daughter of Abu Bakar Siddique رضى الله عنه who was the special companion of the Holy Prophet ﷺ. He was the son of the great Muslim woman Hazrat Asma Binte Abe Bakar (رضی اللہ عنھا) and the nephew of Hazrat Ayesha Binte Abe Bakar Siddique( رضی اللہ عنھما). Born in Medina in 2 Hijri, he was brought up in the lap of Hazrat Ayesha رضی اللہ عنھما and benefitted from her noble companionship. Through her company and her teaching that he became prominent among all the sons of Prophet ﷺ’s companion.
Hazrat Abdullah رضى الله عنه was the model of devotion and fear of Allah (عَزَّوَجَلَّ). His prayer was the picture of the Holy Prophet ﷺ’s prayer. He worshipped Allah (عَزَّوَجَلَّ) with peace and tranquility. The rest of the people had continued onto their tilawat in the second rak’ah while he was still in ruku . Similarly in his sajdah he became indifferent to his surroundings and was not aware of when the others had gotten up from sajdah.
Usman bin Talha رضى الله عنه narrated, “No one can compete with Abdullah bin Zubair in these three matters, 1:- In courage and bravery. 2:- In worship. 3:- In Rhetoric and eloquence.[1]”
When he was surrounded in the Hateem and stones were inflicted at him. Yet, he was unbothered by the stoning and continued on to say the prayer with peace and comfort.
Hazrat Abdullah Bin Umer رضى الله عنه , a Sahabi who feared Allah (عَزَّوَجَلَّ), also admired him. Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubair was an eloquent Qari. Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abbas رضى الله عنه who is known for his translation of the Qur’an used to appreciate the recitation of the Abdullah Bin Zubair رضى الله عنه.[2]
Besides this, he was a well-known theologian. He was counted among the learned people of Medina. He knew different languages besides Arabic. He narrated the Ahadith of the Holy Prophet ﷺ through Hazrat Ayesha رضی اللہ عنھا. He was brave and courageous in his childhood.
Talib Hashmi wrote in his book, “The seerah of Abdullah bin Zubair رضی اللہ عنہ:
Once some children were playing in the street of Medina. He was with them. Hazrat Umer رضى الله عنه passed by. All the children ran out of fair, but he stood there. Hazrat Umer Farooq رضى الله عنه asked him “Why didn’t you run away with the children?” He replied with confidence, “O leader of the Muslims! I have neither committed a sin that I should run out of fear nor is the street is so narrow that I should leave the path for you.” Hazrat Umer رضى الله عنه was much impressed by his reply.
Famous Commandar Mohlab Bin Abi Sufra was asked: “Who are the brave people in Quraish in this time? He said, “Musab Bin Zubair رضی اللہ عنہ٫, Umar Bin Ubaid u Allah and Ubad Bin Husain.” The questioner asked with surprise, “And Abdullah Bin Zubair رضی اللہ عنہ?” He said, “I am talking about the common people. He is he giant.”[3]
Abdullah Bin Zubair رضی اللہ عنہ was a great speaker. His speeches used to waken the Muslims up from the sound slumber and motivate them. He completed the wish of the Holy Prophet ﷺ which was about the rebuilding of Kaba in the during the short period of his rule. When Hajjaj bin Yousaf set up his dictatorship and oppressed people, Abdullah Bin Zubair رضی اللہ عنہ stood against him and challenged the dictatorship. Once a time came when Hajjaj made life difficult for him. All the people favored Hajjaj and Abdullah Bin Zubair رضی اللہ عنہ was alone. At last, Hajjaj arrested him and killed him. After this, he hung his dead body at the spike.
May Allah shower his countless blessings upon him and make us follow in his footsteps. (Ameen)
[1] Book ,History of Caliphs/Allama Jalal u Din Alsyyuti. Page 279
[2] Book, Seerah of Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubair/ Talib Hashmi. Page 276
[3] Seerah of Abdullah Bin Zubair / Talib Hashmi. Page 294