Islam calls its followers to observe moral character or good, noble akhlaaq (singular: khuluq). Describing His Messenger(?) Allah says:
وَإِنَّكَ لَعَلَىٰ خُلُقٍ عَظِيمٍ
“And indeed, you are of a great moral character.”
( AI-Qalam 68:4 )
Many verses in the Qur’an encourage Muslims to have good character. Allah (عَزَّوَجَلَّ) says, “And speak kindly to people.”
( AI-Baqarah:83 )
There are also many Prophetic traditions or ahaadeeth, which call to good character. The following are a few examples.
“Fear Allah wherever you are, and follow up a bad deed with a good one and it will wipe it out, and behave well towards people.”
(Reported by At-Tirmidhee who said it is a good and sound hadeeth)
And another one tells us how to act:
“Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day either speak good or keep silent, and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his neighbour, and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his guest.”
(Reported by Muslim)
“None of you [truly] believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.”
(Reported by AI-Bukhari and Muslim)”
“The heaviest thing to be placed in the balance of the believer on the Day of Judgement will be good character, and Allah hates the [person who uses] abusive and obscene [language].”
(Reported by At-Tirmidhee who said it is a good and sound hadeeth).
“The dearest to me and the nearest among you to me on the Day of Judgement will be those who have good moral character.”
(Reported by At-Tirmidhi who said it is a good hadeeth).

Asked about the Prophet ﷺ’s character, ‘A’ishah (?) replied, “His character was the Qur’an.” This means that he acted on of the wonderful teachings of the Qur’an.