Fasting (Sawm)

Sawm  الصوم

Sawm (also called siyyaam الصیام), or fasting, means the abstention from food, drink and intimate relationship with one’s spouse from dawn to sunset with the intention of seeking Allah’s pleasure. 

Sawm is a unique moral and spiritual Islamic quality. The main reason behind fasting is to attain the noble status of taqwaa, or piety, as the Qur’an says:

O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become pious.
[Al-Baqarah: 183] 

The first day of Ramadan begins when the new moon of this month is sighted. 

We must remember that, according to the Islamic calendar, a new moon marks the beginning of a new Islamic month.  we know if it is Sawm the next day.

Fasting helps the faithful develop a strong personality  the quality of determination and helps them develop the virtue of displaying affection towards the poor and the distressed; for when a person fasts and undergoes the pangs of hunger he actually remembers the distress of the poor. This also reminds him of Allah’s favour upon him when he experiences hunger while fasting; this reminder prompts him to give thanks to Him for His boundless bounties. 

Fasting also develops the quality of patience and nurtures a kind and forbearing character. It also strengthens the body and is a sure cure for many known diseases. It helps relax one’s digestive system and cause the body to get rid of accumulated wastes which are detrimental to health. Many people in the West now seek healing through fasting. 

A part of the obligation attached to the Islamic fast is that, apart from abstention from food, drink and intimate relationship during the hours of fasting, a Muslim must make special efforts to attain higher standards of virtue and purity. 

The Prophet content said,

“ If one of you is fasting, he should not use foul language or behave foolishly and impudently; and if some one fights with him or abuses him, he should say, ‘I am fasting! I am fasting.”
(sahih Bukhari and Muslim) 

The following are some recommended acts of fasting:

Taking the sahoor meal. The Prophet (be) said, “What distinguishes our fast from the fast of Ahl-ul-Kitaab (the People of the Book) is the taking of the pre-dawn meal (sahoor).” (Reported by Muslim) Hastening to break the fast as soon as the sun has set. Breaking the fast with fresh dates, dried dates or water. Supplicating when breaking the fast. 

Fasting in the month of Ramadhan is obligatory on all sane, adult, physically fit Muslims who are not ill or travelling. For women, they should meet these conditions as well as not being in their menstrual period or in their post-natal bleeding. 

Importance of fasting in Islam – with a perspective from medical science

Ramadan: A blessed month

Amongst the five pillars of Islam, fasting during the blessed month of Ramadan carries a unique significance, and is also obligatory upon the believing men and women. According to a Sahih hadith narrated by Hazrat Abu Hurarira (radiullaho anhu), Allah’s Messenger (sallalaho alaihi wasallam) said, “Allah said, ‘All the deeds of Adam’s son (people) are for them, except fasting which is for Me, and I shall give the reward for it” [Sahih Al Bukhari: Book 3:  Volume 31: Hadith 128].

There are many reasons due to which Ramadan as a month is considered extremely virtuous. Some of the more important ones are as follows. Firstly, Allah (swt) made fasting in this month one of the pillars of Islam. Secondly, Allah (swt) revealed the Quran in this month. Thirdly, Allah (swt) made Laylat-ul-Qadr in this month, which is better than a thousand months. Also during this month, Allah (swt) opens the gates of paradise and closes the gates of hell and chains the devils. It is narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraira (radiullaho anhu) that the Prophet (sallalaho alaihi wasallam) said, “When Ramadan comes, the gates of paradise are opened and the gates of hell are closed, and the devils are chained up.”[Al Bukhari, 1898: Muslim, 1079]

Fasting and its importance

Apart from the obligatory (fard) fasting during the month of Ramadan, Muslims are also encouraged to observe the non-obligatory or voluntary fasts throughout the year. It is an amazing form of worship that brings a believer closer to Allah (swt) and enhances an individual’s level of Taqwa (fear of Allah). As mentioned in the Holy Quran by Allah (swt) “O you who believe! Observing As-Saum (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqûn (the pious)” [Surah Al Baqara: 183].

Also, amongst the virtues of fasting during Ramadan is purification from previous sins. It is mentioned in a Sahih Hadith narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraira (radiullaho anhu) that the Prophet (sallalaho alaihi wasallam) said, “Whoever established prayers on the night of Qadr out of sincere faith and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven; and whoever fasts in the month of Ramadan out of sincere faith, and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven.” [Sahih Al Bukhari: Book 3: volume 31: Hadith 125]

Why do we fast?

Like every other form of prescribed worship, we as Muslims observe fasting during the month of Ramadan because Allah has commanded us to do so. As believers we must hasten to obey the commands of Allah (swt) and His Messenger (sallalaho alaihi wa sallam).

Allah (swt) says in the Holy Quran, “The only saying of the faithful believers, when they are called to Allâh (His Words, the Qur’ân) and His Messenger (sallalaho alaihi wasallam), to judge between them, is that they say: “We hear and we obey.” And such are the successful (who will live forever in Paradise) [Surah al Noor: 51].

Keeping the above mentioned point in mind is extremely important while we consider the medical science’s perspective on fasting. It is imperative to clarify that any worldly benefits, medical or otherwise, should not be a motivating factor for a believer to worship Allah (swt). Otherwise that would nullify the validity of a particular form of worship and pollute the purity of one’s intention.  It was narrated by Hazrat Umar bin Al-Khattab (radiullaho anhu) that He heard Allah’s Messenger (sallalaho alaihi wa sallam) saying, “The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended. So whoever emigrated for worldly benefits or for a woman to marry, his emigration was for what he emigrated for”. [Sahih Al Bukhari: Book 1: Volume 1: Hadith 1].

Fasting – A Perspective from medical science

The last fifty years or so have seen a tremendous advancement in medical science. Extensive research has not only enabled the development of effective medication and safer surgical procedures, but has also aided in identifying the potential benefits and risks arising from various human behaviors and lifestyle choices. 

The topic of fasting has also solicited a great deal of interest from medical researchers and practitioners. Medical professionals, particularly those from a non-Muslim background appear to be fascinated by the benefits that arise from fasting. As Muslims however, these benefits merely serve to strengthen our faith that following each of Allah’s commandments will not only purify our worldly existence, but also make our life in the hereafter one of bliss and permanent joy. 


We follow a religion, which by the grace of Allah (swt) provisions a complete code of life. The many medical benefits of fasting as discussed in this article are merely an illustration of the above statement. While as believers, the various acts of prescribed worship are done purely to attain Allah (swt)’s pleasure and to follow in the footsteps of His Messenger (sallalaho alaihi wasallam), yet in return they are also making our worldly life more peaceful, healthier and content.

What the medical science has proved in recent times regarding the benefits of periodic abstinence from food and drink via the fasting route was foretold to us by our beloved Messenger (sallalaho alaihi wa sallam) fourteen hundred years ago. And indeed the Prophet (sallalaho alaihi wa sallam) only spoke from what Allah (swt) commanded. As mentioned in the Holy Quran, Allah (swt) says: “Nor does He speak of (his own) desire. (3) It is only a Revelation revealed. (4) [Surah An-Najm: 3,4].

It was narrated by Hazrat Ibn Umar (radiullaho anhu) that the Prophet (sallalaho alaihi wasallam) said “”A believer eats in one intestine (is satisfied with a little food), and a kafir (unbeliever) or a hypocrite eats in seven intestines (eats too much).” [Sahih Al-Bukhari: Book 7:Volume 65: Hadith  306].

In another hadith, it was narrated by Hazrat Miqdam ibn Ma’d (radiullaho anhu) that he heard the Messenger of Allah (sallalaho alaihi wasallam) saying that “A man does not fill any vessel worse than his stomach. It is sufficient for the son of Adam to eat enough to keep him alive. But if he must do that, then one-third for his food, one-third for his drink and one-third for his air.” (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 2380; Ibn Maajah, 3349; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi, 1939)”
