Why are Palestine and Israel fighting?
What is the cause behind this crisis we see on social media?
Why aren’t the Eastern countries doing anything?
It is seriously an outraging conflict that begs for attention!! Our fellow Muslims are trapped in Gaza (a small city) and the wicked Israel is murdering every Arab they see. They’re killing a country and its people that offered them a home in the past and they are trying to take over Palestine now!!
Just because I am young does not mean I do not have thought and. I want everyone to realise that we are Muslims! Islam is one of the fastest growing religion in the world, and yet we sit here helpless, unable to support them.
We should try and help Palestine. To do so we can think about what the Prophet ﷺ and his followers had to bear. When you see a video of an injured or orphaned child, think what would it be like to be them or their family in this given moment? Imagine, if your sibling were about to die, wouldn’t you want to do anything to save them? Wouldn’t you be grieved if you were orphaned? Yet, we can only pray for them, and that is the least we can do??
We ask – can’t the Middle East do something? Israel is surrounded by big and strong Arab countries, and yet we are standing as helpless as a child? I am devastated to think what answers will we give to Allah(عَزَّوَجَلَّ)?
My hope is that Palestine is free from Israel, and we must do our best to try and help our brothers and sisters in Palestine.